Discount on Tibet Fight Tickets depends on the season and time of booking. During the low season, we might find you a discount on Tibet flight. The low season is from November to March. But only if you would give us confirmation to book your ticket two months before the travel date.

During the high season, which is from April to October, there is little chance for us to find you the discount on Tibet flight, as it is a peak season and there are millions of domestic tourists making it to Tibet.

Usually, the price is higher during public holidays in China. So book your flight ticket about two months earlier for a discount after booking your Tibet tour and getting all the Tibet travel information.

You might also want to get a Chinese Visa before buying the Tickets for flights to Tibet. Once you have the Visa physically on your passport, We will start making your Tibet travel permit. So it is best to buy the flight ticket after the Tibet tourism bureau accepts our Tibet Permit application after booking your tibet tour packages.

The above-stated points are based on our experiences, but we will know for sure when we book your ticket.

Suppose you have further questions similar to this question. Please do contact us for a free travel consultancy for visiting Tibet. Write to us at