First of all, the following rate of high altitude sickness cause is not universal to all. It can differ from person to person based on their health, Age and acclimatization process on their Tibet tour Itinerary.

Secondly, the high altitude sickness cause is higher if you are going to higher places in Tibet. Such as The Mount Kailash Region in western Tibet and Mount Everest Basecamp. If your tour consists of only the lower area, the risk is lower.

Thirdly, the rate of high altitude sickness cause also greatly depends on the tour itinerary. Meaning how fast and how much you will go up the higher elevated places. What are your steps for Acclimatization in Tibet?

Following is the most well-known rate of high altitude sickness caused as per the elevation in Tibet. Yet, our human body has the marvellous capability to acclimatize to height. This is why ascending gradual and slow is very important.

Height (meters above sea level)- Percentage

  • 3,000-40% (Nyintri Area)
  • 3,700-57.3% (Lhasa area)
  • 3,900-63.8%
  • 4,520-89.24% (Average Elevation of Tibet)
  • 5,300-100% ( Mount Everest Basecamp is at 5200M)

So it is recommended to book your tour with an experienced and responsible local Tibetan travel agency in Tibet. So your Tibet travel is easy and has the no or minimal effect of altitude sickness cause. Additionally, please keep the top priority on proper acclimatization in Tibet.