Some years ago, many travellers booking Tibet flight tickets from home often couldn’t complete the purchase.  Those flight booking websites would usually ask you to submit your Tibet travel permit. The Tibet travel permit is only available a week before you arrive in Lhasa.

When such a thing happens, we would recommend you in trying a different booking agency. Preferably those based in China.  Most Travel agencies in Tibet can help you book a ticket.

Now, It is not a problem. You can book a Tibet flight from home on all the primary ticketing websites. Many ticketing platforms has stopped asking for a copy of the Tibet Permit. But, If you face an issue in booking the ticket. Then it tries an alternative booking platform.  We can also help you book the ticket to Tibet.

On additionally. Please book your flight ticket well in advance. The ticket price is always high if you book near your departure date.

In the winter the ticket price is much cheaper as compared to the train ticket price.

Please let us know how is your process for booking a Tibet flight ticket from home. We will be glad to hear about your experiences.

If you are  having issue in Booking flights to Tibet, Please do connect us for recommending you a flight booking agency in Lhasa.