Tibetan Culture

Tibetan Culture. Due to its Geographical and Climatic condition, Tibet has developed a unique culture. With the significate influence from the adjacent cultures from other parts of China, India, and Nepal. The inaccessibility and remoteness of this Himalayan region have helped preserve and develop the distinct local Tibetan culture in Tibet.

Since its introduction in the seventh century, Buddhism has a strong influence on Tibetan Culture. Tibetan Art, Literature, Music and all our daily life expectations contain elements of Buddhist beliefs. Buddhism itself has evolved in this unique form main influence the pre-Buddhist nature religion call Bön religion.

Tibet’s climatic and geographic have encouraged dependence on pastoralism, also the development of a unique cuisine from surrounding regions, which fits the needs of the human body in these high altitudes. During your tours in Tibet, You will experience our unique culture and tradition in Tibet because all our Tibet tour packages are designed to maximize authentic Tibet travel experiences.

Read more about Tibet Travel Information and Tibet Tours. Please visit our blog: Nomadictibet.com


  • Tibetan Wood Painting

Tibetan Wood Painting


Tibetan wood painting is another essential local art form. We do painting both sacred artworks like Thangka Paint and Decorative painting like Ornament.

Tibetan Wood Painting2023-06-13T11:34:31+06:00
  • Tibetan Tailoring

Tibetan Tailoring


Tibetan tailoring. Tailoring in Tibet is a very unique skill. Traditionally all the cloths in Tibet are made by hand. In Lhasa during the old times.

Tibetan Tailoring2023-06-13T11:36:45+06:00
  • Tibetan Wood Carving

Tibetan Wood Carving


Tibetan Wood Carving's tradition dates back to the seventh century. learn more about the process of Tibetan Wood Carving and training process

Tibetan Wood Carving2023-06-13T11:49:15+06:00
  • Tibetan art of Statue making

Tibetan Art of Statue Making


Tibetan art of Statue making in one of the skills brought into Tibet during the construction of those Temples. We use clay and Metal to make

Tibetan Art of Statue Making2023-06-13T11:35:58+06:00
  • Thangka Appliqué

Thangka Appliqué


Thangka Appliqué is a technique of making thangkas with precious silk without the use of paint. It is a sacred art in Tibet as Thangka paint

Thangka Appliqué2023-06-13T11:31:01+06:00
  • Thangka Painting

Thangka Painting


In Tibet, Thangka paintings are traditionally not valued for their artistic beauty, but the primary use of the Thangka is to aid in medition

Thangka Painting2023-06-13T11:30:13+06:00
  • Traditional Tibetan Architecture style in Tingri

Tibetan Architecture


Traditional Tibetan Architecture is easily-Recognizable forms of architecture and one of the world’s most unique. Yet, studies of Tibetan architecture

Tibetan Architecture2023-06-13T11:28:45+06:00
  • Tibetan Opera

Tibetan Opera


Tibetan opera is known as Lhamo or Ache Lhamo in Tibetan. During your Tibet travel, you will often find the Tibetan opera performance during

Tibetan Opera2023-06-13T11:27:54+06:00
  • Tibetan Song and Dance

Tibetan Song and Dance


Tibetan Song and dance are another important topics about Tibetan Culture and way of life we would like to discuss in this website.

Tibetan Song and Dance2023-06-13T11:45:43+06:00
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